
Growing up in the early days of the internet, I have always been interested in web development. I taught myself HTML and created my first website using Notepad around the age of 12 as a way to express myself and connect with like-minded peers I never would have met otherwise. Ultimately, my interest in the arts brought me to Pratt Institute where I studied illustration and photography; but I never lost my interest in technology. Years later as I began to work more in commercial and event photography, I found that it didn't satisfy me in the ways that I imagined, and began to return to my interest in tech.

In early 2016 I bought C Programming Language: Absolute Beginners Guide and began taking the CS50 Harvard online course. Later that year I enrolled in a bootcamp for a crash course in everything web development.

The past few years have been a journey. I'm constantly learning new things intentionally as well as by accident. I have continued to apply my knowledge to develop my own projects, expand my learning, and develop several freelance projects building custom websites.

Oh, and I still take pictures.